German Freelancer Taxes – Which Tax Reports Freelancers Submit in Germany?
Paying taxes as a freelancer in Germany should not be as scary as it sounds. For most of us, it is only a matter of understanding the basics of the German tax system and language barrier. Learn all about German freelancer taxes in this post.
German Freelancer Taxes – VAT, Steuer-ID, Freelance Tax ID Explained
Figuring out your German freelancer tax ID is the first step for starting your self-employment in Germany. Let's learn about all about tax IDs for freelancers in Germany.
Health Insurance for German Freelance Visa
Health insurance and Germany go hand in hand! So much so that you need health insurance coverage even before you enter the country. Learn more about health insurance for German Freelance Visa applications.
German Freelancer Taxes – How to File Taxes as a Freelancer in Germany
Want to know how to submit freelancer taxes in Germany? Learn how you can easily file taxes as a freelancer in Germany - all by yourself in simple English and without spending thousands of euros!
Pension for Freelancers in Germany – Rürup and Riester Schemes Explained
Are you planning to live in Germany for long term? If you are a freelancer in Germany then you might want to start thinking of a proper pension scheme. Let's take a detailed look at pension for freelancers in Germany.