All About SCHUFA Credit Check Explained (2024 Update)
Have you been asked for a Schufa certificate? But exactly is it Schufa credit check and how does it work? And where can you get Schufa in Germany? Learn more in this post.
Real Estate Mortgage in Germany for Foreigners
Buying a property is usually one of the biggest decisions in life for you as an adult. After all, you are committing yourself to real estate financing and enter into a commitment to the banks for many years. Read this post to learn about the overview of German real estate financing models and how to take out mortgage in Germany for foreigners.
Landowners Insurance in Germany Explained
Did you just buy land in Germany to build your home? You might want to learn more about the 5 most essential insurance for landowners in Germany.
How to Get Mental Health Counselling in Germany (In Your Language!)
Are you in need of mental health care in Germany? Read this post to learn where to start searching and how to find an English speaking therapist in Germany and receive mental health counselling.
How to Create a German Freelance Contract + Download Editable Template
Since written word is taken as gospel in Germany, it is essential to have a service agreement contract with your clients. Germans love paperwork after all. Learn all about German freelance contract and download a free editable template.